State AYUSH Society, Manipur


The Ministry of Health and Family welfare, Department of AYUSH, Government of India has approved National AYUSH Mission (NAM) as a Centrally Sponsored Scheme (CSS) to enhance AYUSH Health Services, Education, Quality of Drugs etc. And also notified vide Gazette notification number S.O.2535 (E) dated 29/09/2014.

State AYUSH Society, Manipur has been set up as per the guidelines of the National AYUSH Mission and registered with Registrar of Societies, Manipur vide Regd No. 709 of 2015 dated 4th December 2015.

Components of the AYUSH Services under National AYUSH Mission.

Core/Essential Activities:-

I. Co-location of AYUSH facilities at PHCs, CHCs and District Hospitals.
II. Upgradation of existing Government AYUSH Hospitals.
III. Upgradation of existing Govenment / Panchayat / Governments aided AYUSH Dispensaries.
IV. Setting up of upto 50-bedded Integrated AYUSH Hospitals.
V. Supporting facilities such as Programme Management Units at Central and State level.
VI. Supply of essential drugs to AYUSH Hospitals and Dispensaries.
VII. Public Health Outreach activity.
VIII. Mobility support at State and District level.
IX. Behaviour Change Communications (BCC)/Information Education and Communication (IEC).
X. School Health Programme.

Activities under flexible Pool:-

I. AYUSH Wellness Centres including Yoga & Naturopathy.
II. Tele-Medicine.
III. Sports Medicine through AYUSH.
IV. Innovations on Mainstreaming of AYUSH including PPP.