Homoeopathy is a Medical Science that treats the ailments by medicines which have  been tested on healthy human being and then validated. Founded by German Physician  Christian Friedrich Samuel Hahnemann in 1796.(10th April 1755 – 2nd July 1843)

-In it patients are treated by medicines that have the power to excite similar affection to a healthy person.

-Based on Natural principle in Latin “Similia Similibus Curentur” (Let likes be treated by likes).


  1. Law of Similia
  2. Law of Simplex
  3. Law of Minimum
  4. Doctrine of Drug Proving
  5. Theory of Chronic Disease
  6. Theory of Vital Force
  7. Theory of Drug Dinimization


  1. Vegetable Kingdom.
  2. Animal kingdom.
  3. Mineral kingdom.
  4. Nosodes (Disease tissues).
  5. Sarcodes (hormones & Healthy tissues).
  6. Imponderabilia (certain energy sources such as magnetism, X-ray, radiation, moon light etc.)


Introduced in India in 1810 by a French Traveller Dr. John Martin Honigberger, who learnt Homoeopathy from Dr. Samuel Hahnemann. He visited India & treated patients with homoeopathy.

1839 – During his second visit he happened to treat the ruler of Punjab Maharaja Ranjit Singh for  paralysis of vocal cords and oedema. The Maharaja was satisfied with his treatment and encouraged him to practice homoeopathy in India.

Dr. Honigberger later on went to Calcutta and started practice there. The royal patronage helped the system to have its roots in India.

1885 – Laid the foundation off Calcutta Homoeopathic Medical College. From here homoeopathy started spreading to different parts of India.

1943 – Bengal was the first province to contribute Homoeopathic state faculty.
1973 – Central Council of Homoeopathy (CCH) was established.
1979 –Central Council for Research in Homoeopathy (CCRH) was established.

WHO defined health as ”Health is a complete state of Physical, Mental & Social well being and not merely an absence of disease or infirmity”.

– Health is the balanced state of body, mind and vital principle, anything that deranged the vital principle will manifest in the form of signs and symptom (Disease).

– So in Cure the deranged vital principle should bring it to normal with the help of medicine which act in the dynamic plane.

– Homoeopathy purely based on individualization so we treat the patient as a whole not the diseased part/organ. So we don’t have any specific remedy in Homoeopathy.

Science refers to a system of acquiring knowledge. This system uses observation and experimentation to describe and explain natural phenomena. There are 4 fundamental conditions which must be met in the practice of science-observability, reproducibility, predictability and testability.

Homoeopathy was formed on pure observation. The experimental which led Hahnemann to develop Homoeopathy were based on the predictions he made following his discovery that the symptoms of poisoning with Cinchona resembled the disease condition for which it was successfully employed therapeutically. All the principles of homoeopathy fulfil the criteria of Science.

As Homoeopathy is based on individualization we have scope in each and every disease. As long as we get individualizing feature in the patient we can give cure to the patient irrespective of the disease.

Over the year homeopathic medicine have been used successfully for treatment of various condition like Influenza, Chicken Pox, Conjunctivitis, Measles, Herpes Zoster, Urticaria, Psoriasis, Eczema, Warts, Corns, Vitiligo, Atopic dermatitis, irritable bowel syndrome, Females diseases like Menstrual irregularities, Dysmenorrhoea, Leucorrhoea, Menopausal complaint, Spermatorrhoea, Erectile dysfunction, Bone fracture healing, Sport injuries, Behavioural disorder, Depression, Anxiety, Mania, Phobias, Stress disorders, Substance abuse, Common complain during pregnancy and lactation, colitis, Diarrhoea, Dysentery etc., Rheumatoid arthritis, Gout, Bronchitis, Asthma, Allergic rhinitis, Tonsillitis, Sinusitis, Piles, Rheumatism, Diabetes, Complementary to surgical cases like – renal calculi, Gall Stone etc to reduce incidence and the formation, Autism, Migraine, Psychosomatic disorders, stress disorders, Insect bite, Dentition complain in childhood.

Homoeopathic Medicine doesn’t have any side effect if proper treatment taken from a well qualified homoeopathic doctor.

Treatment with Homoeopathic medicine is safe, effective and based upon natural substances. With the used of single simple substances in micro-doses, medicines are not associated with any toxicological effect and can be safely used for pregnant women and lactating mothers, infants and children and in the geriatric population.


Approach to epidemic diseases with homoeopathic intervention involves identification of Genus Epidimicus , which is used as a prophylactic and may also be used as a therapeutic for the epidemic. Genus epidemicus is a specific Homoeopathic remedy selected after observing the complex of symptoms peculiar to a large number of patients suffering from that epidemic. As the strains of causative organisms change, there are definitely some variations in the symtomatology and therefore, in Homoeopathy, genus epidemicus needs to be identified each time an epidemic breaks out, which makes it more reliable to prevent the disease.

General public may come to get the benefit for Homoeopathy to stay healthy and enjoy quality life.